Abstract:With the continuous development of information technology, communication systems require higher data transmission rates. In order to extend the high-frequency bandwidth and reduce the circuit power consumption at the same time, a 60Gb/s PAM4 signal SerDes receiver for receiving 1/4 rate architecture is designed. A continuous time linear equalizer (CTLE) with transconductance trans-impedance amplifier (Gm-TIA) structure and a parallel four-tap feed forward equalizer (4-tap FFE) equalisation strategy are proposed to extend the high-frequency bandwidth, and a quarter-rate structure is used to further reduce the circuit power consumption. The circuit is implemented based on a 28nm CMOS process at 1.05/1.2V supply voltage, and post-simulation results show that: the CTLE compensates for 18.5dB of channel fading at Nyquist's 15GHz frequency; after a 4-tap FFE eye width of 0.6UI and an eye height of 120mV; the overall receiver-side power consumption is 83.71 mW, with an energy efficiency of 1.40 pJ/bit The proposed circuit has a core area of 394.55um*343.53um and is suitable for high-speed serial interface and communication applications.