Study on the Radiation Modes Light of the Lithium Niobate Electric-optical Intensity Modulator with M-Z Optical WaveguideZHENG Shuaifeng, LIU Baichang, TIAN Zijun, LI Miaomiao, HUA Yong
The radiation modes light radiated from M-Z optical waveguide may couple with the fiber, it’s the main factor to make failure of high-precision coupling between the chip and the fiber array. It used fiber to scan the waveguide and radiation modes light with high-precision coupling method, studied the center position of the radiation modes light regions, the characteristics of radiation modes light power changed with the bias voltage, and the power distribution characteristics of waveguide and radiation modes light scanned by the fiber. The effective coupling range of the waveguide in X and Y directions are 14~15.5μm and 14~16μm respectively, and the effective coupling range of the radiation modes light in X and Y directions are 89~92μm and 92~96μm respectively. It used the studied characteristics of the radiation modes light to formulate the corrected solution of the coupling failure, and solved the coupling failure caused by the radiation modes light.