Abstract:Starting from optimization of methodologies and circuit design, a reset method and a clockreset circuit based on systemonchip(SOC) was proposed. The design of modules including offchip button reset circuit, onchip poweron circuit, crystal oscillator control circuit, onchip RC low frequency clock circuit, channel pulse generation circuit, frequency division delay circuit, clock switching circuit and asynchronous reset synchronous release circuit were presented. A specific reset method was established and a clock reset circuit applicable to SOC was formed on the basis of the circuit modules above. The clock reset system combines offchip reset button and onchip poweron reset, forming a multiple reset design, which is more intelligent than using single reset button and of more reliability compared to using poweron reset only. In addition, an onchip RC clock oscillation circuit was used in the clock reset circuit to realize the chip delay reset, therefore not only the correct initialization of registers was guaranteed during the reset period, but also consistent normal working condition of the whole chip under the stable oscillating clock was ensured. Compared with the traditional clock reset circuit, the clock reset system is convenient and guarantees the reliability of system initialization and operation.