Abstract:To obtain 3D coordinate of helicopter rotor rapidly and accurately, a dynamic 3D-measurement method based on marked points and stereo vision is presented. Firstly, 2D plane calibration algorithm and Bouguet algorithm are used to calibrate the cameras and rectify the images. Secondly, marked points are extracted from the images by using the methods of image thresholding, connected component labeling and other, so as to acquire the pixel coordinates of the marked points. Then, by using the scanning method, the IDs of marked points are acquired, and then the points within two images are matched according to their IDs. Finally, mapping matrix of the two cameras and the 2D coordinate in the image plane is used to determine 3D coordinates of the helicopter rotor. The simulation results show that the method realizes better precision and the practical measurement error is less than 0.3mm, which can completely meet the requirements for dynamic 3D-measurement of helicopter rotor.